Thursday, January 28, 2010

Identifying and discussing some charateristics you have as a good Systems Analyst.

1.) Problem Solver – An analyst is said to be a problem solver. In my case, as the eldest in our family siblings I practiced being a problem solver financially and emotionally with them. I never let days past without having even little accomplishments in my life or even having undone/hanging task to do. I always put in mind that I can do all the things I need to do or things that I am task to do. Because I trust my self and I know already my limitations. One thing I learned in life, letting things just fall into place is different from making things happen. So having the courage and perseverance to do something, I never take the word impossible as an excuse, because if my mind can think of a possible solution to the problem therefore it maybe existed or will be exist soon if I will do my part.

A great skill to have is the ability to solve problems effectively. Not only that, it's also a great skill to teach students. There are a few key requirements to solve problems effectively. In and out of the classroom, we're often confronted with problems and effective problem solvers often employ a few key remedies. Here are the steps to becoming an more effective problem solver.
a.) Understand 'why' the problem exists. What is the actual root cause for the problem? If you know something about why the problem exists, you'll have a better time of resolving the problem. Let's take the example of a child who doesn't want to come to school. Before you can help identify a solution, it is important to find out why the child doesn't want to come to school. Perhaps there is a bully involved. So one of the first steps to becoming an effective problem solver is delving into the root cause of the problem.
b.) Be able to clearly identify the problem and the obstacles that the problem presents. All too often, individuals refer to a series of problems instead of tackling the actual problem at hand. Clearly state the problem and what obstacles the problem presents to you. Again, the child who doesn't want to come to school has the problem of it having a negative impact on his/her academic success.
c.) Once you have clearly stated the problem, you need to understand what you have control over and what you don't. Your efforts to resolve the problem must be within the areas where you have control. You may not have control over getting a child to come to school, but you do have control over dealing with the bully that is causing the problem of the child not wanting to attend school. Your efforts to solve the problem must focus on the areas for which you have control over.
d.) Do you have all the information you need? Solving problems is often like becoming involved in investigations. Have you thoroughly researched why the problem exists? Do you have all the information you need? If not, be persistent and seek out all information before tackling the problem.
e.) Don't jump to conclusions. Once you have all of your information, analyze it carefully and look at it from various viewpoints. Be as objective as possible and don't be quick to judge. Remain judgment free as much as possible. This is a time for you to use your critical thinking skills.
f.) Now determine your options for solutions. How many options do you have? Are you sure? Which options seem reasonable? Have you weighed the pros and cons of your options? Are there any limitations to your options? Are some options better than others and why? Are there advantages and disadvantages you need to take into consideration?
g.) You should now be ready to act. A well thought out strategy/solution is now in place. However, what is your plan to monitor its outcome? How will you know that your solution is working? Once your solution is in place, it is important to monitor and evaluate the outcome regularly.
h.) In Summary
You can use this approach to many classroom problems. A child that won't comply, a parent that is unhappy with their child's IEP, an educational assistant with whom you are having some conflict with. The strategies used in this problem solving plan are merely good life long skills to have.
i.) Some more tips:
a.) Clearly state the problem.
b.) Know what the obstacles are related to the problem.
c.) Determine what you have control over and what you don't.
d.) Make sure you have ALL the information you need.
e.) Identify all of your options and implement the best option for a solution.

2.) People Oriented – one of the factors that should be consider to become an effective analyst is to establish good interpersonal relationship with his/her team so they can work effectively as they share their ideas and skills with each other. I think I am a considerate and appreciative person. I always establish good relationship with other people. I believe that acknowledging their strength is one way of making them realize what makes them important and how will they become the best that they could be. In which it maybe leads them to be more competitive not only to others but to them selves. So they can be more effective in their career as individuals. Also, I have learned in life that you should not criticized vocally because it will be treated against you, instead let them realized their mistakes as it will give them the impact enough for them to realize and become a better person.

3.) Understanding –Systems Analyst is having systems analysis all the time in which it is a process of understanding in detail what a system should accomplish. Therefore, understanding is a basic characteristic an analyst must have to be effective in doing his/her job. In my case, I always assure my self that I understand things first before I do whatever it is need to be done. I even encounter complicated situations in solving a problem to the point that even if I did already my best, there is still lacking. I don’t have the choice but to go back to step1 in which understanding again the problem flow. Another learning of life, a single moment of understanding can flood a whole life with meaning. And, any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self control to be understanding. To end, life is the first gift, love is the second, and understanding the third. When something is meaningfully understood, it is retained much longer, can be built upon to acquire further understanding, is usually very versatile in the situations and ways it can be used, and facilitates creativity. For example, the law of supply and demand (understanding that a higher price for something will reduce the amount demanded and increase the amount supplied) is something which one is not likely to forget once it is meaningfully understood. It is important for acquiring an understanding of consumption theory. It can be applied in a broad range of ways, including deciding how much to charge for cutting someone's lawn and deciding for whom to vote. And it helps one to be creative in finding ways to maximize your income. Similarly, once you understand what an atom is, you are not likely to forget it; it is essential for understanding the chemical behavior of matter (atomic theory); it is a broadly useful concept in chemistry; and it greatly facilitates a chemist's ability to develop creative ideas and products.

4.) Management Skills – Coordination is one factor in managing a team. An analyst must have the knowledge of different techniques in coordinating its team. Knowing the strength and weaknesses of his/her team members will give him/her the idea of which part of the project will they become effective. With this the analyst could predict if the project will be a failure or a success. The excellence of each member of the team will not be defining the success of the project but instead it is how they were managed for the project. I know how to manage both things and people that surrounds me now. I also believe that coordination is helping me in making my life manageable. With this, I am practicing already my managing skills, and hopefully make it better if I will experience the real scenario soon.
Management consists of the five processes, namely, planning, organizing, leading, coordinating and controlling. Management is basically an organization activity, the organization of work and resources, to achieve success. The successful organization of work and resources requires careful planning. Effective planning involves foresight of the potential obstacles and readiness to fight them. It is important to head the team and guide the team members on their way to success. While organizing and leading a group of people, management plays a vital role in the achievement of co-ordination and the exercise of control. Management is such a vast subject that it becomes difficult to restrict the definition of management to a few processes. Management is complex and critical and hence it is not right to confine its description to some management processes. Believing in the vastness of this subject, some prefer defining management as ‘all that managers do’. But what does a manager do? A manager is responsible for the successful implementation of management skills. A good manager needs to adhere to the basic management principles and exhibit the basic management skills in his/her personality.

Leadership: This is one of the most important management skills. Leadership comprises of the efficient organization of the resources in achieving a company goal. Leadership involves the management of human resources with an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of each member of the team. It is about leading the people and guiding them towards the accomplishment of a common goal. Leadership includes a just allocation of work to the resources, planning of the implementation of tasks assigned and helping the team with task completion.

Team Building: This is another basic management skill that includes dealing with people, the most important asset of an organization. Encouraging the team members to speak up, come up with ideas and allowing them to make mistakes and learn from them can be described as a team building skill. To build a team, one needs to foster the team spirit in all of the team members. For the team to feel motivated to work, it is important for a manager to cater to their expectations, recognize their strengths and understand where they lack. The building of a team is about building the team spirit in members and maintaining it. The skill lies in knowing the team and encouraging them to take initiative and enthusiastically participate in every venture of the company.

5.) Detailed – Being detailed is marking by abundant detail or by thoroughness in treating small items or parts when it comes to organizing projects analysis, being detailed oriented is essential. Analyst organizes gathered data before reviewing them or forwarding them to programmers. Attention to details means that you recognize the possible instances may occur during the entire operation of the project. An analyst must have a fundamental curiosity. I believe that curiosity leads us to discover something new or invent something. Most importantly this would promote things to become a better one. I always wanted things be in detailed because I believe that people who are particular with details will give orderliness to his/her life.

6.) Technology Knowledge – The benefits of information technology in business is that Information technology has formed a major place in the different business areas. Most of the businesses have started their own in-house training for IT by their own staff. The different benefits in use includes: The use of IT is evidently a major component of work in businesses; Most responding companies prefer in-house training by their own staff for IT Training above other methods; The most important use of the IT by respondents is in office applications, followed by accounting software and sector-specific applications; and The sector-specific and project-management applications were expected to show the greatest growth in demand over the coming years. The analyst must be knowledgeable of technology. The analyst is not expected to know the intricacies of programming, but a decent general knowledge of concepts and terms is essential. I maybe not work best with all the things with regards to technology but at least I am familiar with it and I know the basics, as it has been said by one of my professors that if I just know the basics then it is easier to adapt to new technologies. And I always look forward to new learning’s if it is needed to perform a certain task and make it successful. I mean I would not have a second thought on that.

7.) Perseverance – Perseverance is commitment, hard work, patience, endurance. It is being able to bear difficulties calmly and without complaint. And it is trying again and again. An analyst must have the determination to become successful in whatever he is doing. I persevere in life because pressure is with me. Willingness must be present so that the level of perseverance will be trigger. Well, I can say that willingness makes my life. Some of my learning’s in life in lined with this are the following: That failure is the path of least persistence. All things will come round to him who will but wait. (Longfellow). Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly will acquire the skill to do difficult things easily. Work hard and give it your best shot; never be a quitter. (Charley Taylor). Victory belongs to the most persevering. (Napoleon Bonaparte). Hitch your wagon to a star. (Emerson).To persevere is trusting in what hopes he has, is courage to a man. (Euripides).You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try. (Beverly Sills).Many strokes overthrow the tallest trees. (John Lyly).

8.) Communication Skills - Communication is best achieved through simple planning and control. Most conversations sort of drift along; in business, this is wasteful; as a manager, you seek communication rather than chatter. To ensure an efficient and effective conversation, there are three considerations: you must make your message understood, you must receive/understand the intended message sent to you, and you should exert some control over the flow of the communication .The analyst must be a good listener and be able to react to what people say. The system analyst must be able to communicate in writing and orally. I believe that I can communicate well in both written and oral. As with most personal skills oral communication cannot be taught. Instructors can only point the way. So as always, practice is essential, both to improve my skills generally and also to make the best of each individual presentation I make.

9.) Business Oriented – Being business oriented is realistic, has reliable solutions and customer focused. The analyst must be knowledgeable of business. The analyst is not expected to be an expert in business but a decent understanding of the client's world is required. An analyst should constantly being developed to make business more competitive I have learned already the basics because I did part time jobs in line with this. But I know this is not enough, yet I am willing to learn and I believe learning is a continuous process that’s why it is more effective to learn something through experiences. I am still considering having a part time job in business industry soon, to of course feed my lacking knowledge. I don’t think the key to success is simply producing good content, but being part of a network is also important.

10.) Competitive - As an analyst he/she must foresee things to be better. Being competitive is one of the characteristic an analyst should posses so that he/she will constantly aim for improvement. As a human I am competitive enough because I am surviving in life. Survival is one way of showing competitiveness. Also, dealing with problems in life and the risk we encounter are some factors that mold us to be more competitive.

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