Thursday, February 11, 2010


Commonly, a pre-enrollment system is divided in different processes which is impost by the organization.
Now, with the university pre-enrollment system, it has been observed that there are four major processes to take up. Namely Admission,Entrance,Medical and Interview.

The student will initially undertake the Admission process in which the student must get and fill-up the form provided by the UGTO in-charge, then pass to them the form.
After checking and assuring that the student filled-up properly the form, the UGTO in-charge will issue a payment slip for examination payment. The student now will
proceed to Cashier to lend the slip as well as the payment. The cashier in-charge will issue a receipt then this will be shown to UGTO in-charge that allows them to issue
the examination schedule for the student. After this, the Admission process is done already.

The student can now proceed to Entrance Examination Process in which the assigned examiner will check and assure the validity of the student. Then the student can now
take the exam. After the exam, the examiner asses and generate results of the exam. If the student pass the exam then the Entrance Examination is done already.

The student can now proceed to Medical Process in which the student will get and fill-up a form that will be collected as they enter the clinic.
The clinic in-charge check and assure that the form is correctly filled-up. Then the student will be check up by the University nurse.
After that, the attending nurse will generate a medical assessment. If the student is healthy. Then the Medical Process is done already.

The student now can choose a college/course and be interviewed. Each college/department has assigned teachers for the interview. After assessing the interviewee
The assigned interviewer will generate results.If the student failed, the student will repeat the Interview process in other department.
if the student pass the interview, it will be seconded by the college dean. Then, the interview process is done already. Thus, the student have just finished the entire
pre-enrollment process.

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