Thursday, March 11, 2010

use case diagram of the pre enrollment process of USEP



Use Case Name: Admission Process
Actors: Aspirant, UGTO Officer and the Cashier
Description: The Use Case describes the flow of event during the admission proper in the university.
Triggering Event: The aspirant arrives to UGTO Office.
Basic Course:

1. Aspirant gets and fill-up form.
2. UGTO Officer receives and checks the form.
3. If correctly filled-up, UGTO provides payment slip
4. Aspirant submits slip and pay bills to cahier.
5. Cashier receives the payment and issue receipt.
6. Aspirant show receipt to UGTO Officer.
7. UGTO Officer assigns examination schedule.
8. Aspirant gets the schedule.
9. End of Use case.

Pre-Condition: none
Post-Condition: The aspirant now has examination schedule.

Use Case Name: Entrance Examination Process
Actors: Aspirant, and Examiner
Description: The Use Case describes the flow of event during the entrance examination proper in the university.
Triggering Event: The aspirant arrives to examination room assigned to her/him.
Basic Course:

1. Examiner checks the validity of aspirant.
2. If valid, aspirant may now take the exam.
3. If done, the examiner assesses the exam.
4. The examiner afterwards generates results.
5. Aspirant gets the exam results.
6. End of use case.
Pre-Condition: The aspirant has his/her assignation for the exam.
Post-Condition: The aspirant has his/her entrance exam result.

Use Case Name: Medical Examination Process
Actors: Aspirant, Clinic In-Charge, Univ. Nurse
Description: The Use Case describes the flow of event during the medical examination proper in the university.

Triggering Event: The aspirant arrives to the clinic.

Basic Course:

1. Aspirant gets and fill-up form.
2. Clinic In-Charge receives and checks the form.
3. If correctly filled-up, aspirant will be check-up by the Univ. Nurse.
4. Univ. Nurse generates Medical Assessment.
5. If passed, aspirant now get the assessment.
6. End of use case.

Pre-Condition: The aspirant passed the entrance examination.
Post-Condition: The aspirant has her/his medical exam result.

Use Case Name: Interview Process
Actors: Aspirant, Interviewer, DEAN
Description: The Use Case describes the flow of event during the interview proper in the university.

Triggering Event: The aspirant arrives to the room allocated for interview.

Basic Course:

1. Aspirant chooses a college and a course.
2. Student must be interviewed.
3. In-charge interviewer conducts the interview.
4. In-charge interviewer assesses the interviewee.
5. If pass, aspirant name will be posted.
6. The result will be seconded by the Dean.
7. End of use case.
Pre-Condition: The aspirant passed the medical examination.
Post-Condition: The aspirant passed the interview and may enroll now as student of the university.

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